Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. It lets you build, test, and deploy applications quickly. To deploy Docker on your Kamatera server, follow these steps:
Step 1: Access the Management Console
- Log In: Visit the Kamatera Management Console at []. Enter your credentials to log in.
- Navigate: Use the dashboard to navigate to the section where you can manage your virtual servers.
Step 2: Set Up or Configure a Virtual Machine (VM)
- Create VM: If you haven’t already, create a new VM. Specify the required resources such as CPU, RAM, and storage. Choose the location closest to your user base for better performance.
- Attach VMDK: Since you have a VMDK file, attach it to the VM. This involves selecting the VMDK from your hard disk library and configuring it as the primary boot disk.
Step 3: Install the Operating System
- Boot VM: Start the VM to boot from the VMDK file. The VMDK should contain the operating system and necessary configurations.
- Initial Setup: Follow on-screen instructions to complete any initial setup required by the operating system.
Step 4: Install Docker
- Connect to VM: Use SSH to connect to your VM. You will need the VM’s IP address, which you can find in the Kamatera console.
- Install Docker:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-ce
- **Verify Installation**:
sudo systemctl status docker
Step 5: Set Up Container Environment
Pull Images: If there are specific images used in the `pb-server1-dev1` setup, pull them using Docker commands:
sudo docker pull [image_name]
Create Containers: Use Docker run commands to create containers as per your earlier server’s configuration. For example:
sudo docker run -d --name mycontainer [image_name]
Step 6: Configure Network and Security Settings
- Network Configuration: Set up network interfaces and firewall rules to allow traffic to and from the containers.
- Security Hardening: Since your system is configured with CIS Level 2 hardening for Ubuntu 22.04, ensure all security settings are in place and active. You may need to run a security audit to verify compliance.
Step 7: Testing and Deployment
- Test Connectivity: Ensure the containers can reach the internet and each other if necessary.
- Deploy Applications: Start your applications within the containers and verify they are working correctly.
Step 8: Monitoring and Maintenance
- Monitoring Tools: Install monitoring tools like Prometheus or Nagios to keep track of your VM and container performance.
- Regular Updates: Set up a schedule for regular updates and patches to maintain security and performance.
That’s it! Docker is now installed on your Kamatera cloud server. You can start using Docker to manage and run containers.